Changing Trajectory

 I have been thinking about the move from secular soundtracking and music composition to Christian projects and marvelling at the God we serve and love. 5 years ago, when I created DW Film Composer I was excited about the possibilities, about providing truly epic sounding music for lower budget film projects. That's not to say I would have turned down the opportunity to work on a Bond movie or a Marvel project! This seemed to be the perfect way for me to utilise my skills and passion for music and film all in one go. Yet I had missed the most important of all my passions, I had forgotten the God who gave me these skills and abilities in the first place and, though it didn't seem like it at the time, I was sidelining Him and cutting Him out of what I was doing. Now, I am not saying that all Christians who work on secular projects are doing this and neither am I saying that all music produced by believers needs to be overtly Christian but that for me, this is an easy and dangerous trap to fall into. When I came back from my mission trip to Cameroon at the end of last year I came back a totally different person. I wanted to serve Jesus with a complete and absolute surrender to His authority in my life. That meant surrendering what I wanted to do with my music and listen to what He wanted me to do. It was exciting but a huge change of direction, of trajectory. It meant I had to trust Him to lead me and be willing to say no to anything that didn't glorify God. This is no easy task as I am an absolute control freak and giving up even the illusion of control places me in a very vulnerable space. But then, isnt that where He wants us? vulnerability when it is under the protection of the awesome God we serve isnt something we should be afraid of. We are safe in His loving arms and the power that raised Jesus from the dead works from within us. So actually, I am now doing what He always intended me to do it's just that, as always, I got there in a somewhat meanderie way. Thank God that He works with and through our wanderings and never turns His back on us or stops loving us. 

I am writing this because I want you all to journey with me, to share in the struggles as well as the breakthroughs. I am excited as this new chapter unfolds. I have no idea where I am being led but I know there is purpose and serving Jesus with my music and composition work feels incredible. My God is back on the throne in my life and I will fight to see He stays there.

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